APP is working hard to address the health care crisis in a socially responsible manner.

our lobby is open 9am - 5pm

Although some of our providers conduct sessions remotely, either by phone or videolink, many others

see their clients in person. We ask that patients arrive 10-15 minutes prior to their session for check in.

If you are a new patient, we ask that you arrive up to 30 minutes prior to your appointment.

We have seats available in our lobby for your comfort. Please check with your provider for further details.

The APP staff are available during regular business hours to take your calls.

We are also set up to take payments in person, over the phone or on for your convenience.

We are looking to add more providers to our office.  We would like to add Nurse Practitioners and/or Psychiatrists to our group.  We are also accepting LPCCs, LCSWs and PhDs.  If you are looking for a great learning environment with decades of experience, a fun place to work and your own hours, we are looking for more providers. We have excellent support services, including front desk personnel, scheduling, reminders, billing, collections and spacious offices.  Please call for more information.

Albuquerque Psychiatry and Psychology is currently accepting new patients at this time.

Call 505-247-1921 for more information.